This project revolved around the theme of ‘Encounter’, and follows the story of a sceptical little girl - Kasey - stumbling across a novice tooth fairy, who is not so good at his job…
I wanted to make a concept for a children’s animated short film, to teach them important values such as kindness and helping others. The idea of the tooth fairy came after brainstorming about ‘forbidden’ encounters, or encounters that should not have happened - like Santa Claus or, in this case, Colin, the Tooth Fairy.

Character Development - Kasey

Character Development - Kasey

Character Development - Max

Character Development

Colour Development - Kasey and Max

Character Development - Tooth Fairy

Colin - early development

Colin - Early development

Tooth Fairy Final Design

Animatic Still

Environment Concepts

Environment Concepts

Environment Development

Environment Development

Final Storyboard

Final Storyboard
The Animatics
The animatic I created from the storyboard.
Rough digital animatic.